Useful links
Occupational Therapy Site
www.aota.org The American occupational therapy website
www.ergotherapists.gr The Greek association of occupational therapists
www.cotec-europe.org The European Association of Occupational Therapists
www.out-of-sync-child.com A site related to several sensory processing topics but also occupational therapy topics in general
Speech Therapy Site
www.afasic.org.uk A website that supports children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties and their parents and carers. It provides information on language development and disorders, but also on how to seek help.
www.afasic.org.uk A website that supports children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties, as well as their parents and carers. Provides information on language development and disorders, but also about how to seek help.
www.spectronicsinoz.com A website related to PECS (picture exchange communication system) topics
www.asha.org A website of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association with a lot of information and new research data that mainly concern speech therapists.
http://www.selle.gr/ This is the Association of Speech Pathologists and Speech Therapists of Greece
Autism Site
www.autismspeaks.org Website related to the entire spectrum of autism.
www.autismgreece.gr The website of the Hellenic Protection of Autistic Persons (E.E.P.A.A.)
www.devdelay.org A site that analyzes fields related to developmental delays
www.thegraycenter.com A site with several links dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism
www.talkaboutcurigautism.org A website dealing with autism spectrum issues
www.educateautism.com Another site with printed material colors, shapes, days, body awareness and much more.
www.floortime.org A website that gives useful information about the floortime intervention method
School Education Site
www.do2learn.com academic exercises, flashcards, behavior and social skills
www.imeakia.gr Games of memory, logic, knowledge – of the Greater Hellenism Foundation
www.mikrapaidia.gr Online educational entertainment and learning portal for young children
www.stintaxi.com Exercises, online activities from the books for classes A’, B’, V’ and V’.
www.pi-schools.gr/software/dimotiko/ Elementary Educational Software, from the Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education.
www.jele.gr Interactive system of activities based on the material of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Primary.
www.ebooks.edu.gr/new/ It has all the books of the 3 school levels with enriched links, with videos and activities per unit and book.
www.e-yliko.gr you will find electronic games for computer related to numbers, quantities, colors-shapes, money and traffic management.
Special Education Site
www.afroditathess.wix.com/eidikiagwgi It’s the Separate World of Special Education
www.earlysupport.org.uk A website with information and resources for children with disabilities and special needs
www.therapybookshop.com A site that is a large searchable library of special education books with several subcategories depending on the visitor’s interests
www.noesi.gr A Greek website that deals with special education in its entirety.
http://www.dyslexia-goneis.gr/default.asp A website about learning difficulties and dyslexia. Specifically, it is about the Panhellenic Association of Parents of Children with Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties.
Psychology / Psychiatry Site
www.aacap.org American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
www.adaa.org A website of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
www.apa.org/index.aspx An American Psychological Association website with information on several disorders.
www.psychiatry.org An American Psychiatric Association website with information on several disorders.
Site Pediatrics
www.aap.org American Academy of Pediatrics
www.childrensproject.co.uk A website which is a source of books and material for parents with new families and professionals who support and promote children’s development in the early years.
www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/child A US website that includes an overview, introductory knowledge, and information on child development.
www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/deliveringservices/commoncore/development A website outlining the common core skills and knowledge around child development for professionals working with children.
Site DEP-Y
http://www.additudemag.com A website for people with ADHD. With very useful and interesting articles and modern research data
http://www.adhdhellas.org The website of the Panhellenic Association of People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
http://www.chadd.org A website of the Canadian Association of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
www.thegraycenter.com A site with several links dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism.
http://eee.chadd.org/ CHADD (Children and adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) website. The organization was founded by parents of children with ADHD with the aim of providing more detailed information to the public about the disorder.
http://www.sciam.co/1998/0998issue/0998barkley.html On these pages of Scientific American are listed the recent views of Russel Barkley (one of the most important modern researchers of ADHD)
http://www.web-tv.co.uk/addnetmain.html This is an excellent analytical website in Great Britain with bibliographic references and articles on line.
Sensory Integration Site
www.spdfoundation.net A website about sensory processing disorders
www.sensory-processing-disorder.com A website about sensory processing disorders
www.sensoryintegration.org.uk A website about sensory integration
www.SticKids.com A website dealing with therapeutic techniques related to sensory processing and action problems
www.out-of-sync-child.com A site related to several sensory processing topics but also occupational therapy topics in general
www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk This is a website dealing with dyspraxia and sensory integration