

Does my child have ADHD?

ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD)
A brief overview of signs and symptoms.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that makes it unusually difficult for children to focus on tasks, pay attention, and keep control of impulsive behavior. While some children are mostly inattentive in behavior and are mainly hyperactive and impulsive, the majority of people with ADHD have a combination of both, which can be very difficult for them to function in school, and so you create a lot of conflict at home.  Symptoms of hyperactive or impulsive ADHD are:
  • Nervousness or restlessness, and difficulty staying in one place or waiting one’s turn,
  • Excessive running and climbing,
  • Trouble playing quietly,
  • extreme impatience,
  • It always seems to be “on the move” or “driven by an engine”
  • Excessive talking or interrupting,
The symptoms of ADHD, careless children:
  • Makes careless mistakes
  • Easily detached
  • Has difficulty following directions,
  • He doesn’t seem to be listening,
  • He has organizational problems
  • Avoids or dislikes continuous efforts
  • He is forgetful, he almost always loses things

Does my child have learning difficulties?

By the term learning disabilities we refer to a heterogeneous group of disorders, which are manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing or mathematical thinking skills. Learning difficulties may occur together with other handicapping conditions (eg sensory impairment, mental retardation, severe emotional disturbance) or with external influences such as cultural differences, inadequate or inappropriate teaching, are not the direct result of these conditions or influences »
These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, attributed to dysfunction of the central nervous system and present both before and after school. They often coexist with behavioral and self-control problems, social perception and social interaction.
According to scientific research,  15-20%  of the student population faces some kind of Learning Difficulty.
The  DSM-IV  lists four categories of Learning Disorders:
1.       Reading Disorder,
2.       Math Disorder,
3.       Disorder of Written Expression,
4.       Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
The person with difficulty in  reading, mathematics and written expression  presents as a child  low school performance  in the respective skill areas, while as an adult he is dysfunctional in activities of daily life that require reading skills, mathematical ability, composition of written texts.
A person with Learning Disabilities experiences difficulties in a multitude of early skills, such as perception, language, mathematical thinking, memory, attention and concentration, metacognition, self-regulation, motivation, behaviour, psychosocial and emotional domains.

Does my child have Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a difficulty of a neurobiological and neurodevelopmental nature with a hereditary predisposition. It affects the cognitive processes of the brain related to mastering the skills of reading, writing, spelling.

The lack of phonological awareness as well as the difficulty of phonological processing are considered by many scientists as the primary factor of Dyslexia. According to the diagnostic criteria of international organizations, the school skills in which a child may have difficulties are categorized as follows:

  • difficulties in spelling ( Dyspelling )
  • reading difficulties ( Dyslexia )
  • difficulties in Word Processing
  • Learning Difficulties in Mathematics

Does my child have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of disorders that affect many areas of development, which is why in the past the title Pervasive Developmental Disorders was used. These are lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders because they appear from birth and continue to exist throughout the development of the individual’s life. These disorders affect the way the person understands, perceives and relates to the world and people around them and are characterized by disruptions and deficits in key areas of development. Although the cause of ASD cannot be determined in most cases, organic abnormalities have been found in the cerebellum, temporal lobe, hippocampus, limbic (limbic system) and amygdala.

Development is affected in the following areas:

In verbal and non-verbal communication

In social interaction and interpersonal transactions and relationships

In creativity and imagination

The signs taken into account are:

  • He is unresponsive – he does not come back when you call his name
  • Lack of spontaneous pursuit of sharing in joy, interests, or accomplishments with other people (social skill)
  • Lack of social and emotional reciprocity (social skill)
  • Significant impairment in using multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye contact, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction (encoding and decoding social signals)
  • Delayed or total absence of spoken language development that is not accompanied by an effort to communicate through non-verbal means such as gestures or imitation or pointing (communication skill)
  • lack of “jointattention”. The infant does not express joy when sharing a toy or activity with another person by alternating eye contact between the object and the other person.