Cygnet method

The Cygnet method is a structured program to support and education parents / caregivers of children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder, aged 7 – 18 years.

The Cygnet training- support program is divided into 6 sessions, where each conference lasts 2,5 to 3 hours, followed by a follow- up conference day from three months after the end of the sixth session.

The aim of the program is to educate and support families and children with autism by focusing on the basic difficulties of autism and how parents can manage existing difficulties.

These group sessions in which caregivers of children with autism or parents with the necessary participation of a least one of the 2 parents can participate.

The groups consist of 2 co- therapists, who are necessary to be trained in the method, and 6 families ( 2 parents in each family), where the total number of participant is up to 12 people.

Conference Structure

  • Conference 1 —   What is Autism?
  • Conference 2   —  Communication ( Why and how we communicate)
  • Conference 3 —  Sensory issues
  • Conference 4 – Undestanding behavior
  • Conference 5  Manage behavior
  • Conference 6  Free discussion  ( at the choice of parents / caregivers)