Early intervention
Early Intervention consists of therapeutic programs of various specialties, provided to children from birth to the age of three, who have developmental problems or are at high risk of neurodevelopmental disorders.
The goal of Early Intervention is to promote the child’s health, strengthen abilities, improve developmental delay and address existing or emerging motor, cognitive, and emotional deficits. It also improves the quality of life through special programs and counseling parents.
Children who can benefit from Early Intervention services belong to three main groups:
- Infants who show difficulties in their neurological nature and psychomotor development, such as Cerebral Palsy and genetic syndromes.
- Infants with an increased risk of developing neurodevelopmental problems due to organic or biological conditions (prematurity, hospitalization in an M.E.N.N.)
- Infants who come from a poor physical and psychosocial environment where they have been deprived of sensory stimuli.
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