Specialized treatment methods
Structured education( TEACCH)
A structured education system that through the use of visual systems helps individuals to organize.
Sensory Integration
Method aiming inmaturing the child’s nervous system and improving functionality.
Dealing with Dysgraphy
Methods that help the child improve the way he writes and renders his writing.
Dealing with Dyslexia
Personalized and holistic methods that help the child with Dyslexia to enhance the reading and writing mechanisms.
Dealing with Dyspraxia
Personalized and holistic methods that help the child improve his motor performance in order to be more functional in his everyday life.
Addressing learning difficulties
Personalized methods that help the child with learning disabilities to strengthen learning mechanisms and organize according to their learning profile.
Alternative Communication( MAKATON)
A multisensitive way of communicating for people with severe verbal communication difficulties.
Alternative Communication ( PECS)
An alternative way of communication for people with autism or other serious difficulties of verbal communication made though image exchange.
Intensive Interaction
An alternative way of interactive communication through absolute imitate of the children.
Social Stories
Individualized for each child- visualized or verbal stories that help them understand the social norms that govern their daily lives.
Method of Sensory diet( Wilbarger)
Personalized program to provide appropriate research in order to achieve the appropriate level of stimulation.
Program Feeding Therapy
Feeding, chewing and sensory desensitization training program in the mouth, in order to achieve the best functional feeding and articulation of the chilg.
Program PALIN(PCI)
Speech- response program to deal with speech flow disorders ( Stuttering).
Frend’s Play ( Psycho- pedagogical intervention)
Psycho-pedagogical program for the development of social skills of children with communication difficulties.
Sexual Education and DAF
Personalized card training material on sexuality issues for autism.
DIR –Floortime
Basic strategy of a more comprehensive approach model for autistic spectrum disorders.
Psychoeducation of Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers Support
Psychoeducation of caregivers with the aim of training in dementia, acquiring skills and managing emotions.
Intergrated Voice Therapy
The holistic approach to the restoration and training of the voice, through a set of techniques.
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